erupted today, April 18th, at 13:03 UT, producing a strong M7-class
solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme
ultraviolet flash and eruption in the AIA 304. An S1-class radiation
storm is underway in the aftermath of the flare. However, this is a
relatively minor storm which poses minimal threat to satellites and
aircraft. Of greater interest is a CME that emerged from the blast site.
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the storm cloud racing
away from the sun at aproximately 800 km/s. This CME could deliver a
glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on or about April 20th. Two or
three minor CMEs are expected to preceed this on April 18th-19th, and
the combined impacts could generate a geomagnetic storm during the
weekend. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.